API Summary

MB_CUR_MAX Maximum number of bytes in a multi-byte character in the current locale
Integer arithmetic functions
abs Return an integer absolute value
labs Return a long integer absolute value
llabs Return a long long integer absolute value
Memory allocation functions
calloc Allocate space for an array of objects and initialize them to zero
free Frees allocated memory for reuse
malloc Allocate space for a single object
realloc Resizes allocated memory space or allocates memory space
String to number conversions
atof Convert string to double
atoi Convert string to int
atol Convert string to long
atoll Convert string to long long
strtod Convert string to double
strtof Convert string to float
strtol Convert string to long
strtoll Convert string to long long
strtoul Convert string to unsigned long
strtoull Convert string to unsigned long long
Pseudo-random sequence generation functions
rand Return next random number in sequence
srand Set seed of random number sequence
Search and sort functions
bsearch Search a sorted array
qsort Sort an array
atexit Set function to be execute on exit
exit Terminates the calling process
Number to string conversions
itoa Convert int to string
lltoa Convert long long to string
ltoa Convert long to string
ulltoa Convert unsigned long long to string
ultoa Convert unsigned long to string
utoa Convert unsigned to string
Multi-byte/wide character conversion functions
mblen Determine number of bytes in a multi-byte character
mblen_l Determine number of bytes in a multi-byte character
Multi-byte/wide string conversion functions
mbstowcs Convert multi-byte string to wide string
mbstowcs_l Convert multi-byte string to wide string using specified locale
mbtowc Convert multi-byte character to wide character
mbtowc_l Convert multi-byte character to wide character