The header file <in430.h> defines a number of intrinsic functions of general use for the MSP430 processor. This file is written to be compatible, and in some cases an enhancement of, the corresponding file in version 2 of IAR's Embedded Workbench for MSP430 (EW430) product.

API Summary

Binary coded decimal arithmetic
_DADD16 Add two 16-bit values using decimal arithmetic
_DADD32 Add two 32-bit values using decimal arithmetic
_DADD64 Add two 64-bit values using decimal arithmetic
_DNEG16 Negate a 16-bit value using decimal arithmetic
_DNEG32 Negate a 32-bit value using decimal arithmetic
_DNEG64 Negate a 64-bit value using decimal arithmetic
_DSUB16 Subtract two 16-bit values using decimal arithmetic
_DSUB32 Subtract two 32-bit values using decimal arithmetic
_DSUB64 Subtract two 64-bit values using decimal arithmetic
Byte order manipulation
_LSWPB Swap order of bytes in a long
_LSWPW Swap order of words in a long
_SWPB Swap order of bytes in a word
Miscellaneous functions
_NOP Insert a NOP instruction
_OPC Insert an opcode
Status register manipulation
_BIC_SR Clear bits in status register
_BIC_SR_IRQ Clear bits in stacked status register
_BIS_SR Set bits in status register
_BIS_SR_IRQ Set bits in stacked status register
_DINT Disable global interrupts
_EINT Enable global interrupts