
Property Description
Exclude Default Library Helper Functions
link_use_multi_threaded_libraries – Boolean
Specifies whether to exclude default library helper functions.
Include Standard Libraries
link_include_standard_libraries – Boolean
Specifies whether the standard libraries should be linked into your application.
Standard Libraries Directory
link_standard_libraries_directory – String
Specifies where to find the standard libraries


Property Description
Additional Input Files
linker_additional_files – StringList
Enables additional object and library files to be supplied to the linker.
Additional Linker Options
linker_additional_options – StringList
Enables additional options to be supplied to the linker.
Additional Linker Options From File
linker_additional_options_from_file – ProjFileName
Enables additional options to be supplied to the linker from a file.
Additional Output Format
linker_output_format – Enumeration
The format used when creating an additional linked output file.The options are:
  • None do not create an additional output file.
  • hex create an Intel Hex file.
  • lst create a hex file.
  • srec create a Motorola S-Record file.
  • bin create a binary file.
Checksum Algorithm
linker_checksum_algorithm – Enumeration
The algorithm used to checksum sections.
Checksum Sections
linker_checksum_sections – StringList
The list of sections to checksum using the set checksum algorithm.
Generate Absolute Listing
linker_absolute_listing – Boolean
Generate an absolute listing of the application.
Generate Map File
linker_map_file – Boolean
Specifies whether to generate a linkage map file.
Heap Size
linker_heap_size – IntegerRange
The number of bytes to allocate for the application's heap.
Keep Symbols
linker_keep_symbols – StringList
Specifies the symbols that should be kept by the linker even if they are not reachable.
Linker Symbol Definitions
link_symbol_definitions – StringList
Specifies one or more linker symbol definitions.
Optimize Sections
optimize_sections – StringList
The list of section names to optimize.
Pad Space
pad_space – Boolean
Replace space instructions with the pad value.
Pad Space Value
pad_space_value – IntegerHex
The value to replace space instructions with.
Rename Sections
rename_sections – StringList
The list of input module section names to rename.
Section Placement File
linker_section_placement_file – ProjFileName
The name of the file containing section placement description.
Section Placement Macros
linker_section_placement_macros – StringList
Macro values to substitue in section placement nodes - MACRO1=value1;MACRO2=value2.
Section Placement Segments
linker_section_placements_segments – StringList
The start and size of named segments in the section placement file, these are used when no memory map file is available.Each segment is specified by NAME RWX HEXSTART HEXSIZE for example FLASH RX 0x08000000 0x00010000
Stack Size
linker_stack_size – IntegerRange
The number of bytes to allocate for the application's stack.
Verbose Output
verbose – Boolean
Show verbose output - useful for long optimisations.


Property Description
Printf Floating Point Supported
linker_printf_fp_enabled – Boolean
Are floating point numbers supported by the printf function group.
Printf Integer Support
linker_printf_fmt_level – Enumeration
The largest integer type supported by the printf function group.
Printf Width/Precision Supported
linker_printf_width_precision_supported – Boolean
Enables support for width and precision specification in the printf function group.
Scanf Classes Supported
linker_scanf_character_group_matching_enabled – Boolean
Enables support for %[...] and %[^...] character class matching in the scanf functions.
Scanf Floating Point Supported
linker_scanf_fp_enabled – Boolean
Are floating point numbers supported by the scanf function group.
Scanf Integer Support
linker_scanf_fmt_level – Enumeration
The largest integer type supported by the scanf function group.
Wide Characters Supported
linker_printf_wchar_enabled – Boolean
Are wide characters supported by the printf function group.

User Build Step

Property Description
Link Patch Command
linker_patch_build_command – Unknown
A command to run after the link but prior to additional binary file generation. This property will have macro expansion applied to it with the additional $(TargetPath) macro set to the output filepath of the linker command.
Link Patch Working Directory
linker_patch_build_command_wd – DirPath
The working directory where the link patch command is run. This property will have macro expansion applied to it.
Post-Link Command
linker_post_build_command – Unknown
A command to run after the link command has completed.This property will have macro expansion applied to it with the additional $(TargetPath) macro set to the output filepath of the linker command and $(PostLinkOutputFilePath) set to the value of the output filepath of the post link command.
Post-Link Output File
linker_post_build_command_output_file – String
The name of the file created by the post-link command. This property will have macro expansion applied to it.
Post-Link Working Directory
linker_post_build_command_wd – DirPath
The working directory where the post-link command is run. This property will have macro expansion applied to it.
Pre-Link Command
linker_pre_build_command – Unknown
A command to run before the link command. This property will have macro expansion applied to it.
Pre-Link Working Directory
linker_pre_build_command_wd – DirPath
The working directory where the pre-link command is run. This property will have macro expansion applied to it.