Library Options

Property Description
I/O Library Name
link_IOLibraryName  – Enumeration
Specifies the IO library (printf etc) to use.
Include Standard Libraries
link_include_standard_libraries  – Boolean
Specifies whether the standard libraries should be linked into your application.
Standard Libraries Directory
link_standard_libraries_directory  – String
Specifies where to find the standard libraries
Use Multi Threaded Libraries
link_use_multi_threaded_libraries  – Boolean
Specifies whether to use thread safe standard libraries.

Linker Options

Property Description
Additional Input Files
linker_additional_files  – StringList
Enables additional object and library files to be supplied to the linker.
Additional Linker Options
linker_additional_options  – StringList
Enables additional options to be supplied to the linker.
Additional Linker Options From File
linker_additional_options_from_file  – ProjFileName
Enables additional options to be supplied to the linker from a file.
Additional Output Format
linker_output_format  – Enumeration
The format used when creating an additional linked output file.
Checksum Algorithm
linker_checksum_algorithm  – Enumeration
The algorithm used to checksum sections.
Checksum Sections
linker_checksum_sections  – StringList
The list of sections to checksum using the set checksum algorithm.
DebugIO Supported
linker_DebugIO_enabled  – Boolean
Is DebugIO supported.
Executable File Name
build_output_file_name  – FileName
Specifies a name to override the default executable file name.
Generate Absolute Listing
linker_absolute_listing  – Boolean
Generate an absolute listing of the application.
Generate Map File
linker_map_file  – Boolean
Specifies whether to generate a linkage map file.
Heap Size
linker_heap_size  – IntegerRange
The number of bytes to allocate for the application's heap.
Keep Symbols
linker_keep_symbols  – StringList
Specifies the symbols that should be kept by the linker even if they are not reachable.
Linker Symbol Definitions
link_symbol_definitions  – StringList
Specifies one or more linker symbol definitions.
Section Placement File
linker_section_placement_file  – ProjFileName
The name of the file containing section placement description.
Section Placement Macros
linker_section_placement_macros  – StringList
Macro values to substitue in section placement nodes - MACRO1=value1;MACRO2=value2.
Stack Size
linker_stack_size  – IntegerRange
The number of bytes to allocate for the application's stack.

Printf/Scanf Options

Property Description
Printf Floating Point Supported
linker_printf_fp_enabled  – Boolean
Are floating point numbers supported by the printf function group.
Printf Integer Support
linker_printf_fmt_level  – Enumeration
The largest integer type supported by the printf function group.
Printf Supported
linker_printf_enabled  – Boolean
Is printf supported.
Printf Width/Precision Supported
linker_printf_width_precision_supported  – Boolean
Enables support for width and precision specification in the printf function group.
Scanf Classes Supported
linker_scanf_character_group_matching_enabled  – Boolean
Enables support for %[...] and %[^...] character class matching in the scanf functions.
Scanf Floating Point Supported
linker_scanf_fp_enabled  – Boolean
Are floating point numbers supported by the scanf function group.
Scanf Integer Support
linker_scanf_fmt_level  – Enumeration
The largest integer type supported by the scanf function group.
Scanf Supported
linker_scanf_enabled  – Boolean
Is scanf supported.

User Build Step Options

Property Description
Link Patch Command
linker_patch_build_command  – String
A command to run after the link but prior to additional binary file generation. This property will have macro expansion applied to it with the additional $(TargetPath) macro set to the output filepath of the linker command.
Link Patch Working Directory
linker_patch_build_command_wd  – String
The working directory where the link patch command is run. This property will have macro expansion applied to it.
Post-Link Command
linker_post_build_command  – String
A command to run after the link command has completed. This property will have macro expansion applied to it with the additional $(TargetPath) macro set to the output filepath of the linker command.
Post-Link Working Directory
linker_post_build_command_wd  – String
The working directory where the post-link command is run. This property will have macro expansion applied to it.
Pre-Link Command
linker_pre_build_command  – String
A command to run before the link command. This property will have macro expansion applied to it.
Pre-Link Working Directory
linker_pre_build_command_wd  – String
The working directory where the pre-link command is run. This property will have macro expansion applied to it.