API Summary

Miscellaneous functions
__breakpoint Programmed breakpoint
__delay_cycles Delay execution for a number of cycles
__insert_opcode Insert an opcode
__no_operation NOP
__sleep Put processor to sleep
__watchdog_reset Reset the watchdog
Status register manipulation
__bic_SR_register Clear bits in status register and return original status register
__bis_SR_register Set bits in status register and return original status register
__disable_interrupt Disable interrupts and return original status register
__enable_interrupt Enable interrupts and return original status register
__restore_interrupt Restore the interrupt enables
__save_interrupt Return the status register
Byte order manipulation
__swap_bytes Swap order of bytes in a word
__swap_bytes_long Swap order of bytes in a long
__swap_nibbles Swap nibble order within a byte
__swap_words Swap order of words in a long