This section describes how to debug applications that were not built by CrossStudio. To keep things simple, we shall use the application we just built as our externally built application.

Start by creating a new, externally built executable project:

The New Project dialog appears. It displays the set of project types and project templates.

We'll create an externally built executable project:

Once created, the project-setup wizard prompts you for the executable file you want to use.

In the Executable File field, type the path to the Tutorial.hzx executable file we generated earlier. For example, if the project was created in the C:/CrossWorks Projects/Tutorial directory and was built using the AVR Debug configuration, the path to the executable file will be C:/CrossWorks Projects/Tutorial/AVR Debug/Tutorial.hzx.

Clicking Next displays the configurations that will be added to the project.

Complete the project creation by clicking Finish.

You will be prompted as to whether you want to overwrite the existing memory map and target script. Click No to keep the existing files.

Now you have created the externally built executable project. You should be able to use the debugger just as we did earlier in the tutorial.