
Property Description
File Name
file_name – String
The name of the file. This property will have global macro expansion applied to it. The following macros are set based on the value: $(InputDir) relative directory of file, $(InputName) file name without directory or extension, $(InputFileName) file name, $(InputExt) file name extension, $(InputPath) absolute path to the file name, $(RelInputPath) relative path from project directory to the file name.
Name – String
Names the item. The macro $(ProjectNodeName) is set to this value.
Platform – String
Specifies the platform for the project. The macro $(Platform) is set to this value.

File Options

Property Description
File Encoding
file_codec – Enumeration
Specifies the encoding to use when reading and writing the file.
File Open Action
file_open_with – Enumeration
Specifies how to open the file when it is double clicked.
File Type
file_type – Enumeration
The type of file. Default setting uses the file extension to determine file type.
file_flag – Enumeration
Flag which you can use to draw attention to important files in your project.

Folder Options

Property Description
Dynamic Folder Directory
path – DirPath
Dynamic folder directory specification.
Dynamic Folder Filter
filter – String
Dynamic folder directory specification.
Dynamic Folder Recurse
recurse – Boolean
Dynamic folder recurse into subdirectories.
filter – StringList
A filter used when adding new files to the project.

Project Options

Property Description
project_flag – Enumeration
Flag which you can use to draw attention to important projects in your solution.

Solution Options

Property Description
solution_flag – Enumeration
Flag which you can use to draw attention to important projects in your solution.