At the bottom of the window, the status bar contains useful information about the current editor, build status, and debugging environment. The status bar is divided into two regions: one contains a set of fixed panels and the other is used for messages.

The message area

The leftmost part of the status bar is a message area used for things such as status tips, progress information, warnings, errors, and other notifications.

Status bar panels

You can show or hide the following panels on the status bar:

Panel Description
Target device status Displays the connected target interface. When connected, this panel contains the selected target interface's name and, if applicable, the processor to which the target interface is connected. The LED icon flashes green when a program is running, is solid red when stopped at a breakpoint, and is yellow when connected to a target but not running a program. Double-clicking this panel displays the Targets pane, and right-clicking it invokes the Target shortcut menu.
Cycle count panel Displays the number of processor cycles used by the executing program. This panel is only visible if the connected target supports performance counters that can report the total number of cycles executed. Double-clicking this panel resets the cycle counter to zero, and right-clicking it brings up the Cycle Count shortcut menu.
Insert/overwrite status Indicates whether the current editor is in insert or overwrite mode. In overwrite mode, the panel displays "OVR"; in insert mode, the panel displays "INS".
Read-only status Indicates whether the editor is in read-only mode. If the editor is editing a read-only file or is in read-only mode, the panel display "R/O"; if the editor is in read-write mode, the panel displays "R/W".
Build status Indicates the success or failure of the last build. If the last build completed without errors or warnings, the build status pane contains Built OK; otherwise, it contains the number of errors and warnings reported. If there were errors, double-clicking this panel displays the Build Log in the Output pane.
Caret position Indicates the insertion position position in the editor window. For text files, the caret position pane displays the line number and column number of the insertion point in the active window; when editing binary files, it displays the address being edited.
Time panel Displays the current time.

Configuring the status bar panels

To configure which panels are shown on the status bar:


To show or hide the status bar:

You can choose to hide or display the size grip when CrossStudio's main window is not maximized. (The size grip is never shown in full-screen mode or when maximized.)

To show or hide the size grip