The CrossLoad program can be used to download and, optionally, debug applications without using CrossStudio.

In order to carry out a download or verify, CrossLoad needs to know what target interface to use. The supported target interfaces vary between operating systems; to list the supported target interfaces, use the -listtargets option:

crossload -listtargets 

This command will produce a list of target interface names and descriptions, such as:

usb                   USB CrossConnect
parport               Parallel Port Interface
sim                   Simulator 

Use the -target option followed by the desired target interface's name to specify which interface to use:

crossload -target usb … 

CrossLoad normally is used to download and/or verify projects created and built with CrossStudio. To do this, you must specify the target interface you want to use, the CrossStudio solution file, the project name, and the build configuration. The following command line will download and verify the debug version of the project MyProject contained within the MySolution.hzp solution file, using a USB CrossConnect:

crossload -target usb -solution MySolution.hzp -project MyProject -config Debug 

In some cases, it is useful to download a program that was not created with CrossStudio by using the settings from an existing CrossStudio project. You might want to do this if your existing project describes specific loaders or scripts required in order to download the application. To do this, you simply add the name of the file you want to download to the command line. For example, the following command line will download the Intel hex file ExternalApp.hex using the release settings of the project MyProject connecting, using a USB CrossConnect:

crossload -target usb -solution MySolution.hzp -project MyProject -config Release ExternalApp.hex 

CrossLoad can download and verify a range of file types. The supported file types vary between systems; to list the file types supported on your system, use the -listfiletypes option:

crossload -listfiletypes 

This produces a list of the supported file types. For example:

hzx                   CrossStudio Executable File
bin                   Binary File
ihex                  Intel Hex File
hex                   Hex File
tihex                 TI Hex File
srec                  Motorola S-Record File 

CrossLoad will attempt to determine the type of any load file given to it. If it cannot do this, you may specify the file type using the -filetype option:

crossload -target usb -solution MySolution.hzp -project MyProject -config Release ExternalApp.txt -filetype tihex 

It is possible, with some targets, to download without specifying a CrossStudio project. In such cases, you only need to specify the target interface and the load file. For example, the following will download myapp.s19 using a USB CrossConnect:

crossload -target usb myapp.s19 

Each target interface has a range of configurable properties allowing you to customize the default behaviour. To list the target properties and their current values, use the -listprops option:

crossload -target parport -listprops 

This command will list the parport target-interfaces properties, a description of what the properties are, and their current values:

Name:        JTAG Clock Divider
Description: The amount to divide the JTAG clock frequency.
Value      : 1

Name:        Parallel Port
Description: The parallel port connection to use to connect to target.
Value      : Lpt1

Name:        Parallel Port Sharing
Description: Specifies whether sharing of the parallel port with other device drivers or programs is permitted.
Value      : No 

You can modify a target property using the -setprop option. For example, the following command line would set the parallel port interfaced used to lpt2:

crossload -target parport -setprop "Parallel Port"="Ltp2" …