
Property Description
CMSIS-DAP Capabilities
cmsisDapCapabilities – String
The capabilities of the currently connected CMSIS-DAP interface.
CMSIS-DAP Protocol Version
cmsisDapProtocolVersion – String
The CMSIS-DAP Protocol version of the currently connected CMSIS-DAP interface.
Serial Number
connectedSerialNumber – String
The serial number of the currently connected CMSIS-DAP.
Use Serial Number
connectToSerialNumber – String
The serial number of the CMSIS-DAP device you want to connect to. If multiple CMSIS-DAP devices are connected to your system, this property allows you to specify which one to use. If no serial number is specified, the first matching available CMSIS-DAP device will be used.


Property Description
Prefer SWD
preferSWD – Boolean
Connect using SWD to Cortex-M devices if Target Interface Type not defined in the project.
speed – IntegerRange
The maximum JTAG/SWD clock frequency in Hz (0 for best possible).


Property Description
Device Type
 – String
The detected type of the currently connected target device.


Property Description
Connected Interface Mode
connectedUsbInterfaceMode – String
The CMSIS-DAP USB interface mode currently being used.
HID Report Length
hidReportLength – IntegerRange
Specifies the HID report length in bytes (0 for the interface's default value).
Interface Mode
usbInterfaceMode – Enumeration
The CMSIS-DAP USB interface mode to use.
Maximum Packet Count
usbPacketCount – IntegerRange
The maximum number of USB packets that can be buffered for a single operation (0 for the interface's default value).
usbPid – String
Specifies the USB product ID of the CMSIS-DAP device. If USB vendor and product IDs are both unspecified, the first matching available CMSIS-DAP device will be used.
usbVid – String
Specifies the USB vendor ID of the CMSIS-DAP device. If USB vendor and product IDs are both unspecified, the first matching available CMSIS-DAP device will be used.