Build Options

Property Description
Always Rebuild
build_always_rebuild – Boolean
Specifies whether or not to always rebuild the project/folder/file.
Build Quietly
build_quietly – Boolean
Suppress the display of startup banners and information messages.
Enable Unused Symbol Removal
build_remove_unused_symbols – Boolean
Enable the removal of unused symbols from the executable.
Exclude From Build
build_exclude_from_build – Boolean
Specifies whether or not to exclude the project/folder/file from the build.
Include Debug Information
build_debug_information – Boolean
Specifies whether symbolic debug information is generated.
Intermediate Directory
build_intermediate_directory – FileName
Specifies a relative path to the intermediate file directory. This property will have macro expansion applied to it. The macro $(IntDir) is set to this value.
Memory Map File
linker_memory_map_file – ProjFileName
The name of the file containing the memory map description.
Memory Map Macros
linker_memory_map_macros – StringList
Macro values to substitue in memory map nodes. Each macro is defined as name=value and are seperated by ;.
Output Directory
build_output_directory – FileName
Specifies a relative path to the output file directory. This property will have macro expansion applied to it. The macro $(OutDir) is set to this value. The macro $(RootRelativeOutDir) is set relative to the Root Output Directory if specified.
Project Dependencies
project_dependencies – StringList
Specifies the projects the current project depends upon.
Project Directory
project_directory – String
Path of the project directory relative to the directory containing the project file. The macro $(ProjectDir) is set to the absolute path of this property.
Project Macros
macros – StringList
Specifies macro values which are expanded in project properties. Each macro is defined as name=value and are seperated by ;.
Project Type
project_type – Enumeration
Specifies the type of project to build. The options are Executable, Library, Object file, Staging, Combining, Externally Built Executable.
Property Groups File
property_groups_file_path – ProjFileName
The file containing the property groups for this project. This is applicable to Executable and Externally Built Executable project types only.
Root Output Directory
build_root_output_directory – FileName
Allows a common root output directory to be specified that can be referenced using the $(RootOutDir) macro.
Suppress Warnings
build_suppress_warnings – Boolean
Don't report warnings.
Treat Warnings as Errors
build_treat_warnings_as_errors – Boolean
Treat all warnings as errors.

General Options

Property Description
Batch Build Configurations
batch_build_configurations – StringList
The set of configurations to batch build.
Inherited Configurations
inherited_configurations – StringList
The list of configurations that are inherited by this configuration.

Package Options

Property Description
Package Dependencies
package_dependencies – StringList
Specifies the packages the current project depends upon.