Build Macro Values

Property Description
$(CombiningOutputFilePath) – String
The full path of the output file of the combining command.
$(CombiningRelInputPaths) – String
The relative inputs to the combining command.
$(Configuration) – String
The build configuration e.g. ARM Flash Debug.
$(EXE) – String
The default file extension for an executable file including the dot e.g. .elf.
$(InputDir) – String
The absolute directory of the input file.
$(InputExt) – String
The extension of an input file not including the dot e.g cpp.
$(InputFileName) – String
The name of an input file relative to the project directory.
$(InputName) – String
The name of an input file relative to the project directory without the extension.
$(InputPath) – String
The absolute name of an input file including the extension.
$(IntDir) – String
The macro-expanded value of the Intermediate Directory project property.
$(LIB) – String
The default file extension for a library file including the dot e.g. .lib.
$(OBJ) – String
The default file extension for an object file including the dot e.g. .o.
$(OutDir) – String
The macro-expanded value of the Output Directory project property.
$(PackageExt) – String
The file extension of a CrossWorks package file e.g. hzq.
$(ProjectDir) – String
The absolute value of the Project Directory project property of the current project. If this isn't set then the directory containing the solution file.
$(ProjectName) – String
The project name of the current project.
$(ProjectNodeName) – String
The name of the selected project node.
$(RelInputPath) – String
The relative path of the input file to the project directory.
$(RootOutDir) – String
The macro-expanded value of the Root Output Directory project property.
$(RootRelativeOutDir) – String
The relative path to get from the path specified by the Output Directory project property to the path specified by the Root Output Directory project property.
$(SolutionDir) – String
The absolute path of the directory containing the solution file.
$(SolutionExt) – String
The extension of the solution file without the dot.
$(SolutionFileName) – String
The filename of the solution file.
$(SolutionName) – String
The basename of the solution file.
$(SolutionPath) – String
The absolute path of the solution file.
$(StageOutputFilePath) – String
The full path of the output file of the stage command.
$(TargetPath) – String
The full path of the output file of the link or compile command.