API Summary

libarm_dcc_read Read a word of data from the host over JTAG using the ARM's debug comms channel.
libarm_dcc_write Write a word of data to the host over JTAG using the ARM debug comms channel.
libarm_disable_fiq Disable FIQ interrupts.
libarm_disable_irq Disable IRQ interrupts.
libarm_disable_irq_fiq Disables IRQ and FIQ interrupts and return the previous enable state.
libarm_enable_fiq Enable FIQ interrupts.
libarm_enable_irq Enable IRQ interrupts.
libarm_enable_irq_fiq Enable IRQ and FIQ interrupts.
libarm_get_cpsr Get the value of the CPSR.
libarm_isr_disable_irq Re-disable ARM's global interrupts from within an IRQ interrupt service routine.
libarm_isr_enable_irq Re-enable ARM's global interrupts from within an IRQ interrupt service routine.
libarm_mmu_flat_initialise_level_1_table Create a flat mapped level 1 translation table.
libarm_mmu_flat_initialise_level_2_small_page_table Create a level 2 small page table for an address range.
libarm_mmu_flat_set_level_1_cacheable_region Mark region of memory described by level 1 section descriptors as cacheable.
libarm_mmu_flat_set_level_2_small_page_cacheable_region Mark region of memory described by level 2 small page table descriptors as cacheable.
libarm_restore_irq_fiq Restores the IRQ and FIQ interrupt enable state.
libarm_run_dcc_port_server Serve commands from the ARM's debug communication channel.
libarm_set_cpsr Set the value of the CPSR.
libarm_set_fiq Enables or disables FIQ interrupts.
libarm_set_irq Enables or disables IRQ interrupts.